It's New Year's Day - January 1st, 2025. Some people create New Year's resolutions. I never do, mostly because I don't need another reason to think poorly of myself. I'm bad at a lot of things, but I'm very good at self-criticism and loathing. It's a bad habit - perhaps the worst of all of my bad habits.
But I've notice some people creating wish lists or bingo cards of things they want to do in the coming year. It's sort of inspired me to create a goal. It can't be impossible like "eat healthy." Ugh, the worst. Or "exercise more." Boring. I'll work on those things without having to "be accountable" which is a buzz phrase that I dislike.
Here's mine: I'm going to write every day. I used to write a lot. This is one of several blogs I've started and just left hanging with no end in sight. So, I'm going to pop in here daily (fingers crossed) and write some things. I realized recently that I've missed writing. I used to write great posts on social media but haven't been inspired in a long, long time. Lots of reasons - life, in general - which, if I'm being honest, is not really that challenging. But also social media has changed. It used to be that if you post something everyone would see it. But now the ALGORITHM runs everything and not everybody sees everything and so posts don't get the engagements they used to get.
Anyway, I have lots of feelings and have had occasional thoughts about social media posts related to those feelings. 2024 was a year of change and self-reflection. I went through some health things - threw out my back, breast biopsy, rotator cuff tendinitis, PT, PT and more PT, two skin cancer removal procedures. The list is long and boring. I'm quite blessed to, mostly, be OK. Who knows what 2025 will throw at me. Hopefully it'll be blissfully boring.
But what those health challenges made me do was wear sunscreen and reevaluate friendships. I found that people with whom I thought I was close didn't really care much for me....or, at least, didn't put forth the effort. I've never been good at goodbyes and I started to realize that there are some friendships that are basically over and it's time I moved on. We recently decided to leave our tennis club after 19+ years. We realized that we were spending a LOT of money every month and not socializing, dining or swimming at the club. We basically had no friends there - just friendly acquaintances. I'm guessing that we won't be missed. We did join a new club and early on, the people were very friendly and welcoming. I hope that continues but I still got VERY nervous to do my first activity there. Turns out that middle school angst never really goes away.
Back to those lapsed friendships: If I'm being honest again, some of them might be because I called some people out in a social media post, post-election, for voting for a terrible person. I don't regret that, but it certainly did sort out the "chaff" from my friend list. Then again, I was overly enthusiastic about "friending" people in the early days of social media which sometimes comes back to haunt me. I'll share a secret here that nobody will see because nobody reads this blog: Every day Facebook tells me whose birthday it is. Often, it's someone with whom I have zero connection. I never see them, we aren't real life friends and they never comment on my posts. So, I've started to wish them Happy Birthday and then unfriend them. Is that mean? I don't care. Time to move forward and not look back.
I have a theory: Posting on social media is like giving away a little piece of yourself. I love sharing on social media but I'm VERY cautious about it. I believe that you should be careful what you post and with whom you share it and, if it's not treated with respect, disconnect from those people. It's what you'd do in real life, right?
Well, that's all for today. Wow, this was really cathartic. If you actually find this, hello. 👋