Saturday, August 31, 2019

Kleenex and Perspective

I promised myself I'd start writing again. Not because I'm great. Just because I think writing is good for me. Also, I'm quite certain that nobody else is reading this. I originally started this blog to vent about my parents living with us. That was hard. If you look back six or seven years, you'll see I was struggling...a lot. And, see, that's when I often do my best writing - when I feel strongly about something...when I'm not great.

So, I'm back...I hope. We'll see.

Anyway, today's post is about illness and appreciation. The past two weeks, my husband and I have both been battling the mother of all head colds. (Hey, why isn't it the father of all head colds? Why throw mothers under the bus?) In any case, we've both visited doctors twice and we are both on antibiotics. We've gone through BOXES of Kleenex. It's not pretty. We've barely been able to rise above our feeling crappiness to talk to each other. It's like we're in the same house but not really.

Nevertheless, it occurred to me - we basically have colds. Fine, we have upper respiratory and sinus infections, but they're both just enhanced versions of a cold. And we feel lousy. And early on in the onset of this "illness" I thought about the people that I know battling cancer. (Yes, I went to a dark place.) And I thought about the fact that I was being a complete baby and I will recover. I can't imagine how my friends and acquaintances are able to be the shining optimistic versions of themselves with a life-threatening disease. I'm not sure I could be that strong. Then again, I guess you be what you have to be when you have to be it.

In any case, if you or someone you know is battling cancer - wow. I'm in awe. Wishing you or them strength and hope and love.

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