Saturday, July 21, 2012

Cautiously optimistic

It's been a while. Yeah, not much has been happening.


Here's a clue.

Look at this photo.

Yep, that's what you think it is. Keys....on a stretchy wrist keychain thingy. A symbol of the senior lifestyle.

This can only mean one thing.


Wait, why did I say "might?" Why? Well, because I don't trust life and fate and circumstances and health and government. Yes, we need all those things to work together in order that this might happen.

Oh and in case you think my parents might be ambivalent or unhappy about this move, think again. Last night this exchange happened:

Me: "Next week - Olympics!!!" *claps hands in joy*
Mom: "Next week - Moving!!!" *claps hands in joy*

So, now this is important not only for our/my sanity, it's really important for my parents' happiness too! We've been to the apartment multiple times now and both of them are very excited....or as excited as two old, frail people can be.

But a lot of stuff has to fall into a ridiculously short time-span. I need my brother and my sister to help a LOT on their end with moving some of Mom and Dad's stuff up here to Wisconsin. That's going to be Herculean....and awful...but hopefully a pain that is short-lived. I'm hoping we can make this happen without strained backs or hurt feelings. I just need to pray...a lot.

In the meantime, Dad goes up and down in terms of lucidity and health. Some days, he's bopping around the house, stealing candy from the freezer, giggling like a kid. Other days, he can't remember where he lives or who I'm married to or he's putting his adding machine into paper bags from Chinese takeout orders. Sigh.

Today, Hubby and I are going rummaging to see if we can pick up a small kitchen table and perhaps a few other things that Mom and Dad might need. I'm not a rummage sale person, but we can't afford to go high end on any of this stuff. And Mom and Dad are perfectly fine with that.

If you're one of the 2 or 3 people that read this, say a prayer...or ten...that somehow, some way, we can work this out. If this is going to happen, Mom and Dad are going to leave our house in the same way that they arrived - on a wing and a prayer.

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