Thursday, April 26, 2012

Anger management

I'm mad at a person with dementia. It makes no sense. Logically, he can't help it, but today wasn't awesome like yesterday was. I'm starting to think we'll be going one step forward, two steps back every day. Wait, I can't do math. We won't be getting very far ahead will we?

Today, he was unmotivated and sat on the couch ALL DAY. I have no idea how to get him moving or interacting. I need an activities director, stat! Where's Julie McCoy from the Love Boat when you need her?

It's like one small part of his personality is suddenly magnified. For him, it's the selfish part. He wants what he wants when he wants it. It's like an 81 year infant with opinions. Ugh.

Plus, here's what else pissed me off: He wanted to go to bed at 7pm. He doesn't sleep well anyway, so I'm keeping him up later in hopes that he'll sleep better. I told him that he had to stay up until 8pm. He rolled his eyes at me. I told him not to do that. He asked if he could lay on his bed until 8. Sigh.

Truth be told, what's really making me go insane is NCIS. It's endless. He can watch it ALL DAY LONG which he could because apparently, it's on ALL DAY LONG. (USA Network, I officially hate you.)  I have this intense need to never see NCIS again in my life. Pretty sure that's not possible.

He asked my Mom when they were leaving.

Meanwhile, my wonderful hubby is setting up a TV in the library. A room with doors. Perhaps we can segregate NCIS from the rest of the house.

I have nothing funny to say. Then again, I knew this wouldn't always be funny.

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