Friday, April 27, 2012

Field trip!

We took our first field trip today. This was prompted by the fact that my cleaning crew was scheduled to come today. I've always felt guilty having cleaning people - no more. I've got pee issues. I need help.

I always try to leave the house for a while when the cleaning people come but this was going to be trickier with Mom and Dad in tow. Nevertheless, I planned a mini field trip. Right after the cleaning people arrived, I loaded up the car and headed out.

First stop was breakfast. Let me preface this by saying suddenly my Dad isn't using his walker. He went from clinging to it for dear life to shuffling confidently on his own. Bonus! I chose a semi-nearby place with "pancake" in their name. (Leave it to me to attempt to make people happy with food.) The choice was good, except for the fact that each portion could feed a small, third-world country. But, we weren't on this jaunt to earn points for nutrition from Dr. Oz.

Second stop was the library. My parents' library is brand-spanking new and state-of-the-art. I was dearly afraid of disappointing them with our very average library. To quote Gomer Pyle, "SURPRISE, SURPRISE!" They loved it. INSTANTLY my Dad picked out four books. Bonus! Mom couldn't find enough adjectives to describe how great the library was and they had a decent selection of audiobooks for her.

We arrived home, Dad plopped on the couch and said how tired he was. Yes, Dad. That was my plan.

1 comment:

  1. I'm following your escapades with delight. Leave it to you to find the humor and goodness in a situation that must be tough for everyone.

    Good onya!

