Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tag Team, a.k.a. "Don't leave us with the babies!"

My sister, her husband and daughter came into town last night. This morning, we head south to pick up our daughter from college. It's funny how much I appreciate this trip now. Of course first there's the fact that we get to see our daughter and bring her home to this craziness. But also this almost feels like a real vacation! 10 hours of me and hubby in the car...alone. Happy sigh.

Anyway, my sister and I spent a few hours last night going over caring information for the "kids." Look, I don't mean to be patronizing, but our two new roomies come with a long list of instructions. They're complicated beings and to liken watching over them to babysitting is not a stretch.

Last night, we were laughing at driving away this morning waving to my sister saying: "See ya, suckers!" So then my hubby came up with the perfect analogy in the form of a commercial. Imagine hubby and me as the young couple, my sister and her hubby as the old couple and my parents as the babies in this commercial. HYSTERICAL. Oh lighten up. You KNOW it's funny.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laugh! Just popped on after a frustrating interaction with my parents. Your post hit the spot!! Thanks Karen! Safe Travels!
