Wednesday, June 20, 2012


As I said in my last post, it's the little things that'll do me in. Lately, it's entertainment, or lack thereof.

My sister and I are pretty sure that when they were in their home, my parents did almost nothing, all day long. Dad might get in his car and drive to the library or take Mom to a doctor's appointment, but other than that, they did almost nothing. (And yes, the idea of my dementia-diagnosed Dad with wonky legs driving strikes fear in my heart, but we've fixed that, so let's move on.)

Here in my house, my parents are doing almost nothing....and it's driving me crazy.

I think Mom and Dad have earned the right to do almost nothing, but honestly, they look so BORED. It bores me to look at them. I know they're bored because they fall asleep...a lot.

If they're not watching TV, they're reading, which is nice. Reading is good. (Technically, Mom is listening, not reading, but that's not her fault. She can't see, dammit.)

But if they're not watching TV or reading, they're nothing. It bores me to watch them. I try feebly to engage them in conversation, but honestly, I hate making small talk. I'm terrible at it. I try to suggest we go for a walk, but more often than not, Dad turns me down. And, really, there's nothing worse than begging a person to take the slowest walk ever.

Maybe it's the dog days of summer. It is terribly hot, which is ironic because suddenly, these two people who are always cold won't go outside! Don't they get it? God has turned on a giant space heater! Go bask in it!!! No, they'd rather sit inside wearing blankets.

But anyway, the idea that the oldsters are bored makes me very uneasy. I know, I know, it's not my job to keep them entertained. So then why do I feel so guilty?

This is when I think, no, when I KNOW that my parents would be better off in an assisted living facility.

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