Friday, June 1, 2012

Groundhog day

I'm all for consistency. It's comforting knowing that something will happen on a regular basis. But sometimes, consistency can get irritating...and repetitive.

Lately, in our house, the theme is: Get the license back. Yep, as in: Dad is intent on appealing his driver's license revocation.

Yesterday I was gone until about 9:30 am. Due to a late-starting meeting, Hubby was home during that time. Dad sat him down and said that he wants to go back to Illinois, hire an attorney to set up all the services that Hubby his worked his a** off to get and get his doctors and his license back.

I'm so glad I wasn't home. Hubby calmly told him why that won't work. Dad walked away seemingly depressed. Hubby cornered me the minute I walked in the house to tell me about the conversation. We were both concerned and ready to sit down with Dad together again.

We went downstairs. Dad came out of the bedroom and asked Hubby where the letter from the Secretary of State was because he's going to apply to get his license back.

*Cut to me burying my face in my hands. 

Hubby calmly said: "You'll have to get a doctor to sign off on that." Dad nodded in agreement.

Later, during dinner, I reminded Dad that we have an appointment with his new primary care doctor this morning. He brought up the license thing AGAIN. After dinner he sat down, filled out the license revocation appeal and put a stamp and a return address on the envelope. He set it out for us to bring to the doctor.

He is completely and totally focused on this license thing. I don't even think he remembers why he wants a license, but this has become his new mission. It's almost at an absurd level.

Hubby has done some research into dealing with dementia and found that studies show that you're supposed to "meet the dementia patient where they are." In other words, don't argue with their logic, or lack thereof. Thus far, I have not done this, but I've started when dealing with "License-Gate." 

Yesterday afternoon, I called the doctor's office and gave them a heads-up that Dad was going to ask about the license and that he wants to return home to Illinois. I said that I could really use the doctor's help in dealing with this. Given the fact that this new doctor is in a Memory Care clinic, I'm PRAYING that they will help me deal with this.

I'm not sure I can wake up tomorrow to another round of: "Karen, where's that letter from the Secretary of State?"

Then again, maybe I can....

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