Monday, June 25, 2012

How prayer makes you live longer

Today, my mother-in-law turns 90. (No, don't worry, she's not moving in with us. Although there IS an extra bedroom available...KIDDING.) When you think about it, that's nothing short of AMAZING.

No, she's not in extraordinary shape. Nine children, thousands of volunteer hours and years of kneeling and prayer have taken their toll on her body. And yet today, she starts her 10th decade of life. How is that even possible?

When you think about it, nobody from her generation should last that long. She lived through people smoking everywhere - restaurants, airplanes, elevators....She also lived through driving without seat belts and artificial sweeteners with carcinogens and eating casseroles that tipped the calorie scale in excess. She likely drank out of plastic containers that were filled with BPA. She probably went to a school that was lined with asbestos.

Seriously, how the hell does anyone from the greatest generation last this long?

I think it's prayer and faith.

How else to explain how anybody could survive the Depression and years of failed medical and scientific studies to be here today in 2012? My mother-in-law prays like it's nobody's business. Honestly, she makes me feel rather inadequate in my personal faith because she believes so deeply and profoundly in God that there isn't even room for a question. Me? I'm one big ball of doubt. Occasionally I see a glimpse of the greater good, but more often than not, I'm questioning every last move that God is making. I could be his most annoying person on earth.

And yet, there are two giant positives that have come from having my parents live with us: 1) I'm no longer afraid of old people. I used to fear being around them for any length of time. They're old and wrinkly and move slowly. Now, it's really no big deal. 2) My faith has been strengthened. Yes, I just got done telling you that I'm a big ball of doubt. But often, sometimes, no - on a DAILY basis, I pray. I ask God for help getting through the day...or maybe just the hour ahead of me. Who else would listen to me?

Happy 90th birthday, Weezie. I pray that someday I'll be 1/10th of the person you are.

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