Sunday, May 6, 2012

Comments and sharing

Just a quick bit of housekeeping before you read my next post which will be MUCH more upbeat than the last one. (That's right. Debbie Downer took a vacation day.)

Anyway, thank you SO much for reading this - all 3 of you. Some of you have mentioned that you've tried to leave comments but that you have to register with a Google account. I actually changed the settings so that you can post comments anonymously. I just have to "moderate" them so that spammers stay away. But I also understand if there's nothing to comment about. This is me just venting, sharing and documenting. I have no idea if this will be helpful to anyone other than myself and my family.

Oh and I think you can "subscribe" to this blog and get emailed when there's a new post. I'm not positive how to do that. If you're smart, you can probably figure that out on your own. Knock yourself out.

Which brings me to my next point. If you want to share this with anyone, you can feel free. I haven't shared it on Facebook and Twitter because, well, I'm not quite ready to be completely transparent. For good or for bad, my parents don't know that I'm doing this blog. My Mom barely understands the internet. I think the idea of a blog in which she's a main "character" might blow her mind. We can't have that.

But we can have people reading this who have cared for the elderly or who might do so in the future. I don't want to scare anyone off, but someday, you might be in my situation. Maybe I'll say something that might be helpful in that regard. It's doubtful. But other miracles have occurred.

In the meantime, thanks again. You rock.

1 comment:

  1. I have shared your blog with another girlfriend who took in her parents this past year. She loves it!
