Monday, May 7, 2012

The hated

This song best describes my feelings right now:

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,
I think I'll go eat worms!

More explanation later....


  1. Where the heck do you find these pictures?? They are as entertaining as the writing. Almost :)

  2. Remember, good days and bad days. Space can be a funny thing...there never seems to be enough when you really need it. The bathroom has always been my little sanctuary. You won't be followed there.
    P.S. I don't hate you!

  3. This is the first time I have read MS since last week--where did the time go? It is a real service to a whole mob of women (and it is almost universally women) who are in similar circumstances. (1)we are not alone. (2)there is always someone else who has more of a challenge than we do (in this case you). (3)you have such a gift for making fury humorous.(4)you have an even greater gift for seeing God's gentle hand in the trials and anticipating the precious joy and touching insights that will come out of them.

    Bravo, and thanks! One of these days a publisher will love the collection of transparent tirades, rueful reflections,and wondrous wisdoms.

